Book/ Food Styling by Delores Custer


This is more than 400 page hard cover covering areas of food styling, from spatulas to invoices, with extremely practical and useful information, written by Delores Custer, the food stylist started working as a stylist from paper media era.

It seems that there are several kind of professions in the field of food contents on media, including food stylist, food prep, and food photographer, as primary casts, and food recipe creator/writer, and clients e.g. editors, TV directors, and etc.  For short, food stylists work to prepare foods cooked based on a recipe in a suitable status for photo shooting, video shooting, TV live OA, or any media exposure.

There are eye opening facts in how food in photos looks tasty in such media for eyes and sometime just for eyes but not for mouth, so Delores tells a kind of tips that she developed through her long and successful career in food styling.  Also, as a general attitudes, she gives us how we could satisfy ourselves focusing on anything interested as own career, maybe regardless the level of its success.

I do not recommend reading this to whom without strong interests in food styling, as this is a heavy and comprehensive encyclopedia of food styling, but maybe it’s just good to know that there are such profession and even this kind of great book on book shop shelves.

これは400ページを超えるハードカバーで、スパチュラから請求書までといったフードスタイリングのエリアをカバーする、とても実用的で使える情報の満載。紙媒体時代に働き始めた、デロレス カスターというフードスタイリストによる著書です。

媒体に掲載されるフードのコンテンツの領域には、フードスタイリスト、フードプレップ、 フードフォトグラファーといった主要な職と、レシピを考案し書き下ろすといった死語地、編集者、テレビのディレクター、などといったクライアントなど、多くの専門家がいるとのこと。簡単に言えば、フードスタイリストは、レシピをもとに調理して、写真撮影、ビデオ撮影、テレビの生放送、その他の媒体での露出に適した体裁に準備する仕事です。



